Sunday, June 8, 2008

EXAMS ARE NIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well im strangely excited about it, it means that i am getting somewhere, one semester down, three to go! And im qualified, how exciting!!!!! I might not be this chipper end of next week, with them looming even closer!!!!
Well things here are good, jonty is back - hooray, bringing with him a total of 90 packs of chewing gum wahoooo! I still have a few packs left, miracle really!!!
He bought lots of other goodies too, including koolaid - 2 big blue packs, and a few single sachets, im happy!
But the best pressie of course, is having my lovely DH home! All is right in the world!
Eden has just spent the weekend with her friend, they had a nice time, but my goodness the house was emtpy and quiet without her, i couldnt wait to get her home. Christopher missed her too, and came with me to pick her up.
Christopher is coming along well with his speech. He is stringing words together at the moment, and copying words as best he can. Jonty has noticed a change, even in the time he has been gone!
Ooo and before i leave, the pic above is from my week in clinic - so professional looking LOL!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

What to do what to do

Well jonty has been in scotland for two weeks now, im surviving, suprisingly really, i though i would fall to pieces. We are down in welly for a bit and then back up to auckland. I have to say i am missing home (also suprisingly as i am not really an aucklander at heart, the whole big city thing is totally lost on me, well apart from the shopping, but im a girl, so that goes with the territory)

So what to do what to do, jonty has the opportunity to go study for three years at massey paid by the air force and then go comissioned. I REALLY want him to take it, its a great opportunity and will open heaps of career doors for him, also getting us out of auckland, BUT i have my study, which i am enjoying and i dont know if i can continue else where......I could reinlist, which i am tempted to do being as i went to anzac parade today and i felt those military apron strings pulling..........but what trade. I was thinking S and S, but that would mean a long junior course away from the family. I dont know if supply would be right for me, hmmmmm, decisions, decisions, wheres my descision coin when i need it. Food for thought anyway!

As for the study i have two assignments out of three done, should really do the third tomorrow, its painful though, and being here in welly and lazing about has been good procratination.

To make me even more homesick theres been a family bust up, i think the result of six people living under one roof. One of those a difficult toddler, though to be fair to C he has been a good boy really, despite having a spot of the flu end of last week. I think he just wears my parents and sister/sister in law out! Still we lasted a WHOLE week without a bust up, so there is something to be thankful for. At least now i know that i would not move to welly purely because of my parents, i mean i love them, they are good to me, but we really dont get on **that** well. Okay in small doses, and i think that goes both ways. I know im tempermental, and probably moreso with Jon being away. I know i like to eat at certain times and i like things done a certain way...God think what i am going to be like at their age!

Edie is still with her Dad, seems like more than a week. Im missing her. She doesnt sound that happy on the phone, probably tired from being dragged from place to place with her dad, By sunday she will well and truly be ready to come home. Glad they are having some quality time together though, she misses him so.

Well must go, hope to blog sooner this time, still once a month aint bad :)

PS the pic is of the ohakea open day......i really wanted to get on one of the bikes, shame im not a kid no more :(

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ive been slack

Dont think i am much of a blogger. For a start my life really isnt that interesting, and secondly i dont have time, but i am going to give it a go, if not for me, for a record for the kidlets.

Well things have been good, busy, but good. I have started tech, love it (though the big lectures were scary in the begginging) and back at work 1 - 2 days a week, which is good. Chris has started daycare and enjoying it, and Eden is at after school care two days a week.

Jonty is chugging along at work, he is off to scotland in less than a month, urgh, good for him, stink for us. Still financially we *may* reap the benefits, well the credit card will anyway!

Some news tonight, we can apply to move to blenhiem whenever!! The Warrant officer said to him today, taht they are desperate for people down in the school, and to have someone like jonty would be an asset. Shame i have just embarked on two years at tech. Shame we lost our bub, as otherwise things would have panned out better, we could be down there by the end of the year. Still i am a believer in the bigger picture and i am MEANT to do this study. May look into doing the second year part time though, hmmm, the possibilities!!!

Well since last post we have had edens and jontys birthdays. Jonty turned thirty and in early february we had a few drinks for him, was fun, a good crowd! Eden went to chipmunks with her cousins, they had a nice day! Above is my amatuer attempt at a cake, better than christophers "ute" attempt, i figure it can only get better from there. Took it to chipmunks only to find out homemade cakes not allowed, either you buy one there, or you hire a room. Typical!!! Anyway Eden got a game of cadoo - a cranium for kids. We love it. I even went out and bought the adult cranium game, heaps of fun!!!

Christopher has officially started toilet training too. He is doing really well so far, have to prompt him, but he is quite proud of his "deposits"!!!

March has been a busy month, with mum and dad up for easter!!!! ANd the 26th of this month was a 10 year anniversary for me, not such a happy one but a cross i must bear!

Pappy also turned 60 this month and me and E flew down to see him, and suprise him. We went quad biking and skeet shotting, such fun!

Looking forward to a quieter April.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Its hot!!!!!!!!!

This weather is great! Im loving it being so hot. I really need to live in the heat, perhaps i ll retire to Darwin!!! I looooove summer. My inlaws are moving to Dunedin in a few years, but i think we will move somewhere with a nice climate, they want us to come NO WAY! Im a summer girl through and through.
Well the pic is of the great snaps incident. Chris took it upon himself to scatter my 1000 or so snaps across the floor. I managed to recruit a few helpers to put them back, thank goodness, but this is the second time this has happened. May have to store them up high!!!!!
Well we are enjoying our school holidays. We went out to Bombay today to see the inlaws, was very nice. Eden went to see Oma and Opa. She was spoilt.
I have been doing some sewing lately too , made four nappies yesterday, and a tie dye suit for Bratz Baby. Me and Eden had fun tie dying the fabric, tho synthetics dont seem to work so well.
Christopher has been much happier the last few weeks. Though sleeping worse, seems to be up till 9pm and beyond each night. I think its the heat!
Jonty is back at work, but we are planning a trip to the bach this weekend, should be fun.
And i have FINALLY sorted daycare for christopher. Yay. And a bus to tech each day too. Only Eden to sort out now.
Loving these holidays and my time at home with the kids, making the most of it. Have enjoyed the last two years with Christopher, though at times it has been lonely and challenging, Wouldnt change it for the world!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Todays a better day!

Ahh yes the talc incident. Heres me thinking i had a nice quiet sleeping boy in bed, and this is what i found. Oh well it is only talc after all, much better than when he finds the wipes spray bottle and uses it like spray and wipe cleaning down surfaces in his room, and the odd sheet. Well thats what i see mum do on occasion LOL. Very occasionally! Hehe
So my last post was a bit negitive but i am feeling SO much better. I think the last few months just got on top of me. But its good to have one of those days as emotional catch up. Now i can pick up and move on. My poor hubby having to put up with me sulking for two days about how life is unfair. Lucky I can move on quick from these days, and they are few and far between.
So we are back on track and planning for a fab 2008. I have the opportunity to lease my old TB boy, and have been looking into that, unfortunately with jonty going away up to a month, and with money being super tight, and with my schedule at unitec being unknown i may have to flag it. Damn i really wanted to do it, even enquired about vet nursing being part time - nope only full time. So with this all on my plate i dont want to over fill it.
Took christopher to a "nappucino" yesterday, he really enjoyed getting out. Think he is suffering serious cabin fever to be honest. And it was nice for mum too. I met some really nice Mums also, hope to be able to keep in touch with them. Me and Chris took a picnic to a park afterwards and waited for Eden to be ready to be picked up from Sylvias. She had had a great time playing, and we will have sylvia over next week for a play too. They are great mates, but unfortunately have been seperated next year. Im a bit miffed as they encourage each other to do well, both bright cookies. But got to spread the bright kids around i suppose LOL. Ill try look on the good side, but cant say i am not a little annoyed about it. Hope she is with some friends, they had such a good bunch in her class this year and such a nice teacher!
Jonty is out in the garden today, we have yummy carrots coming thru. He is freezing some of the chinese cabbage as its getting out of control. The carrots need a few more weeks, a little small and overflavoured, but yum. Me and Eden sampled the first one. Nothing like organic from your back yard!
Went on a ten km bike ride this morning too, glad i am finally getting some use out of my bike. It sat in the shed so sadly for a year, poor thing. So i am happy to say she has been unleashed on the world,and we make a good, if somewhat unsteady team. I nearly fell off today trying to make room for a chubb ute hehe, was a laugh for the guy inside im sure. I see others zipping around looking prefectly balanced, and then theres me! Still it will come with time.
Well thats all our news. I am trying to organise a trip to western springs tomorrow to feed the ducks. Hoping Nads will come. Weather permitting of course!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

These are some longies i knitted for the new bubba a while ago. Couldnt find another pic to add, so i thought i would put these up cos i am still proud of them!!! I dyed them myself with koolaid. Shame there will be no baby to wear them.
Having a bad day today. Jonty came home last night and said he would be off for two trips this year, for a month each. I dont know how i will cope, with full time study, and the kids to look after. I suppose i have no choice but to cope. I have no family close, the in laws are still an hour away, so its going to suck.
ANd getting daycare and before and after school care sorted for this year is a night mare. It feels like it will never be done.
I just had an email from a lovely friend too, who is around the same weeks pregnant. Im happy for her, but selfishly jealous too. Its not fair.
Gee what a negitive post. I havent felt like this for ages. I think things are just geting on top of me. The kids are bored stiff and i have no money to do anything with them. We have done countless trips to the park, walks with the dog, trips to the dairy and bike rides, and each and every one ends with chrisotpehr having a melt down. Im just exhausted.
Well i will come post again when i am feeling better. It helps to vent tho.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New year every body. Its 2008. Wow i feel old. 30 is creeping up quite quickly.
Last week we had Christophers 2nd birthday. Wow has that two years flown, yet i cant remember what life was like without him, he fills our days! We had a quiet day, just family here and a cake. I attempted to make a cake,hmmm seems cake decorating in quite an art. Plus the boy stood on it, we had put it on our bed, while using the table for other food, and he went in and had a look.
Anyway we had a nice day, and christopher LOVED his new bike, not quite able to push the pedals yet, but thinks its pretty flash.
I also snuck away for new years to my parents bach, decided these four walls were REALLY boring and took a very cheap and very early morning trip to welly. Also suprised my sister who was coming home with her partner from UK. They got in at 9am and i got in an hour earlier. It was good to be able to suprise her there.
Spent a lovely three days at the bach. Eden was there, as she had been with her dad, so i picked her up in welly and we all (sonja, tania, me and Eden) drove home to auckland from the bach. New years was good, fantastic weather, tho i was in bed by ten. I just wasnt feeling like partying. I was the second youngest there, well third if you count Eden. BUt it was lovely to just relax for a few days. Jonty and Chris stayed at home.
We are enjoying 2008 so far, no dramas. I did have a horrible scan on the 4th, but ill try forget that happened. Anyway my HCG is going down, so thats good.
Heres to a great 208
New year
New Start
ANd only a month till i start unitec ............yikes!!!!!!!